Monday, November 19, 2007

outputs and inputs

So, Friday, I went in for my drug test. (I'm supposed to find out if I passed or not today or tomorrow.) Naturally, I woke up with a full bladder and figured there was going to be no way I'd be able to hold it, so I went. On the way to the testing facility, I slammed a couple of Diet Cokes, thinking that the fluid and caffeine (a diuretic) would work in my favor.

The lady gave me a cup and made a mark about 3/4" from the bottom. "We need this much." Okay. So, I go into the little bathroom and proceed to furnish them with a sample. I do what I can, and I check the cup. I've only got about 1/2" of fluid in the cup. Damn. So, I try again. Nothing. I'm like the Mojave Desert inside. Now, my usual trick when this happens is to run water--but I've been expressly prohibited from doing this because I might somehow use it to tamper with the sample.

I keep trying, futilely, until the lady knocks on the door and asks me if I'm done. I abashedly present her with my under-achievement. She looks and, to my relief, says, "Oh, that's probably enough." It was enough to get a temperature reading and to fill the vial to be sent off to the lab. Phew!

Naturally, when I got home, I went for what felt like a gallon.

Yesterday, we had lunch at Olive Garden with Ben and Brain to celebrate his birthday and my jobishness. It was good to see them, and we had a fun waiter. Then, we drove up to Minneapolis to go to our friend Ross's annual dessert party.

Now, Dave and I are trying a low glycemic index (GI) diet, and dessert parties are definitely on the avoid list. However, we decided that after a month of dedicated service to the diet, we deserved a bit of a splurge (and, the plan we're following allows for the occasional indulgence).

It was a very excellent party--lots of fun people and the desserts were boss! There was a lovely flan with warm caramel sauce, baklava, brownies, and chocolate chip & walnut cookies. Karla brought a severely tasty banana cake, and Sue brought banana bread worthy of a grandmother. (I guess they went bananas for the party! Ba-dum bum.) Someone even brought lefse, which Sue buttered and dusted with brown sugar. John brought a fruit and cheese plate. I noticed that the kids were helping themselves to the fruit and had very little of the desserts. Weird kids.

Anyway, it was a nice time, and we got to see the bar that Ross built in the basement. Most of the non-breeders hung out down there. I spent most of my time upstairs, though, so I could sit down and not aggravate my arthritic ankle. It worked out fine because all the kids are really well behaved. I don't really mind kids when they aren't screaming.

Checked the scale this morning, and it seems no damage was done. Yay! We might make it through the holidays after all!

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