Thursday, November 08, 2007

catchup (and ice cream)

In December 2006, I quit my job at IBM to go back to school full time and finish my Computer Science degree. I graduated in May 2007. After spending the summer and most of Fall half-heartedly looking for a job, I think I may have finally found what I was looking for. Early days yet, but I'll keep you "posted" (ba-dum bum). My husband, Dave, still works for IBM (he's in technical sales).

Dave and I have a lovely house on the Zumbro River, about 10 miles north of Rochester, MN. We've lived here since September 1998. We moved to the area from Fargo, ND, in July 1996.

We brought with us two cats, Scottie and Trouble. Scottie died in December 2000. We got another cat, Mem, in February 2001. In the summer of 2002, a scraggly, half-starved, young orange cat started hanging around the yard. We took him in and named him Toby. Everybody tells me our cats aren't normal--I already knew that. Trouble is convinced he's human, Mem is pretty much a big dumb dog, and Toby is a complete menace.

Anyway, here's a good picture of them. (The only reason they're that close together is because they think they're getting catnip).

Trouble (15), Toby (6), and Mem (7)


Brain said...

I like catchup.... I noticed when I was searching for stuff about SketchUp that it has the word "ketchup" in it.

melander said...

Ooo! Maybe it's short for "[It']s ketchup."